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Packing line taking flexible line is necessary

From the enterprise's competition in the market, the upgrading of product cycles are getting shorter, it is flexible and flexibility of packaging line said the high demands, in order to complete the flexible production, packaging production line of tightly coupled with each other in every process equipment, packaging production line with other production line linkage to each other. Because different controller control respectively different process or production line, this brings the problems of coordination between different controllers. So, international packaging association user organizations say the object encapsulation of structured and standardized machine status management functions, accordingly, integrated the functions of the control system can ensure users with less time and cost to complete the whole line, even the whole factory production synergy.

Flexible production not only changed our production mode, make the product packaging is more flexible, more developed our development train of thought, make the packaging machinery market in several rounds of change, accelerated the innovation thinking better foray into commercialization, make packaging machinery potential better play out, reaching a new level.



Contact: Guo Manager

Phone: 18132326655

Tel: 0310-6566620


Add: Handan City, Hebei Province, the capital city of the capital city industrial city