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Plastic auto lightweight processes become the preferred material

Dupont and the journal of the American auto industry "woz car" (Wardsauto) vehicle design and engineering industries released annual report, along with the standard 2025 - corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) close to the middle of the car industry is more and more attention to lightweight and engine efficiency related to technology, but for today's lightweight materials, confidence has tepid.

The report, released in 2015 America's annual auto management BBS.

Nearly 900 people to participate in the survey, 56% of them said, about whether the current materials can help the auto industry meet 2025 cafe standards, they don't have a lot of confidence.

Survey results show that the aluminum is still preferred lightweight materials, followed by mixing material solution. Only 9% of the participants mentioned the advanced composite materials.

Plastic auto lightweight processes become the preferred material

Dupont automotive division chief technology officer Jeff says Sternberg, cost of implementation is still a concern.

"Last year and this year, we see one of these comments is the performance of the composite material itself can meet our requirements, but the real challenge is how to get the costs down. So the relationship between the development of new materials is lesser, more important is to reduce costs." Jeff added.

Another obvious point is that this year's car is becoming more and more attention to electric industry, to help meet the discharge standard of technology is also more interested in, lightweight is still the most popular solution.

Review "if you go to the industry's pursuit of various technologies in order to meet the future standard, the order is still the same - lightweight obviously lead. Along with the challenges, industry is trying to find ways to meet these regulations," including pay more and more attention to electric cars.

Dupont in and of itself, come into contact with many have requirements of lightweight for the carmaker. "Rarely do we discuss this is a metal pieces, you can use plastic to make exactly the same thing? 'the question, more consideration is how will the system design to better." Sternberg says



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